My love for horses started young, and I was lucky enough to start riding lessons during my elementary school years. I rode up until I was a teen but stopped lessons when I moved to Colorado. I still cherished horses, but other priorities in life took over. Throughout my life, I have loved creating art, constantly experimenting with different media and fibers. It wasn’t until I was in my late 30’s that my family welcomed two older mares into our Colorado home. I often researched what types of tack were the most gentle and comfortable for my horses, and that’s when I stumbled upon mohair. I decided mohair cinches and breast collars would be best for my girls, but the ones I found weren’t well-made or beautiful, and my girls deserved dependable, gorgeous tack.

I discovered I could purchase the raw materials and learn how to make mohair tack myself. That way, I could make pieces that were not just functional but beautiful. My first piece was an English-style girth that I used on my treeless saddle, and it was lovely. That first girth was when I found my calling. Since then, I have been creating durable, beautiful, high-quality, functional works of art. I put my heart and soul into each piece I create, and many years later, I have produced many thousands of pieces of mohair tack. I have a great passion and love for this craft, and my goal is to make high-quality tack that will last for many years.

Trish Terry, Fiber Artist

Read this article about me on Shoutout Colorado